What Are the Preventable Dementia Risk Factors?

Home Care Milledgeville GA-Here are some preventable dementia risk factors that you should know about. If your elderly loved one can make the best decisions in these areas, it could significantly lower their risk of getting dementia.

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Prepping Your Elderly Loved One for a Disaster

In-Home Care Gray GA - Prepping Your Elderly Loved One for a Disaster

In-Home Care Gray GA-There are different types of disasters that might strike such as fires, tornadoes, and floods. No matter what happens, these tips can help you to keep your elderly loved one safe.

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How to Help Your Elderly Parent Live Well as They Age

Elder Care Perry GA - How to Help Your Elderly Parent Live Well as They Age

Elder Care Perry GA-Many people get down and depressed as they get older. They keep thinking about how they are just old. If this is how your elderly loved one feels, be sure you are there for them. Let them know that they are more than just their age.

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